
class nhdspy.InputParams(species, omega_guess, propagation_angle, va, kzmin, kzmax, kzsteps=200, numiter=1000, det_D_threshold=1e-16, n_bessel=1000, bessel_zero=1e-50, vxsteps=100, vysteps=100, vzsteps=100)

Bases: object

Input parameters for calculating a dispersion relation.

species : list of Species

List of the particle species for which to calculate the dispersion. Note that the order of the species matters, as some of the parameters below are defined relative to the first species in the species list.

omega_guess : complex

Initial guess for the frequency, normalised to the gyro frequency of the first species.

propagation_angle : float

Propagation angle to calculate dispersion relation for. Defined with respect to the magnetic field.

va : float

Ratio of the Alfvén speed to the speed of light. The number density in the Alfvén speed is taken from the first species.

kzmin : float

Start of kz range.

kzmax : float

End of kz range.

Other Parameters:
kzsteps : int, optional

Number of steps in kz to calculate dispersion relation at. Points are linearly spaced between kzmin and kzmax.

numiter : int, optional

Maximum number of iterations in the Newton method

det_D_threshold : float, optional

Threshold for the determinant of the dispersion tensor. If det D <= det_D_threshold, the Newton iteration will be stopped.

n_bessel : int, optional

Maximum of sum in Bessel functions (both regular and modified). Can be very low (e.g., 3) for quasi-parallel propagation.

bessel_zero : float, optional

If I_n is less than this value, higher n are neglected.

vxsteps, vysteps, vzsteps : int, optional

Steps in the x,y,z directions.


Number of species.


Total charge density.


Total current density.Result is normalised to the first species’ charge, number density, and the Alfvén speed.

Attributes Summary

nspecies Number of species.
total_charge Total charge density.
total_current Total current density.Result is normalised to the first species’ charge, number density, and the Alfvén speed.

Attributes Documentation


Number of species.


Total charge density. Result is normalised to the first species’ charge and number density.


Total current density.Result is normalised to the first species’ charge, number density, and the Alfvén speed.